Tuesday, 25 May 2010

Oils that heal the body

I don't know what all this fuss is about low fat diets. I eat a high fat diet and can't put on an ounce of weight. Butter, lovely stuff, who would want margarine? Olive oil, I dunk bread in it and pour it on my toast. Hemp seed oil, yummy great for the tummy, cashews, almonds, sunflower seeds, hazelnuts, pecans all full of oil and great energy foods. Extra virgin oil means that it is extracted from the first pressing without heating above 60 degrees centigrade.

The only things you need to watch are:
Never eat "roasted, salted nuts". I used to visit the factories where they are "roasted". Peanuts, almonds, pistachios or macadamias are cleaned of all the crud that is sticking to them from the fields or being dried in someone's back yard. They pour the nuts into boiling vats of oil, deep fry them, drain the oil, spray them with 6% salt then finish them off with a glazing oil, what a way to ruin perfectly nutritious food that kept our ancestors going through the winter.

The other factor to avoid is salt. Try Meridian peanut butter, just peanuts, no salt or palm oil. Or try Wholebake original 9 seed bars, they will keep your energy levels going. Did you know that peanuts have more fibre in them weight for weight than prunes? Nuts and seeds will regulate your blood sugar levels.

Another great oil for cooking is Carotino Healthier cooking oil. It is made from red palm and rape seed oil, both very stable when heated. Stable oils do not hydrogenate when heated.

Oils are the only source of the vitamins A, E, D, and K. A helps the skin, E helps the blood and the heart, D helps the digestion and protects against diverticulitis, crohns disease and colon cancer, K helps to clot the blood and to build and replace the bones. People on fat free diets are asking for trouble.

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